Image Sizes

Image Sizes for Products and Manufacturer Banners

Product Images

Sellers can load up to 10 images (jpeg) per product. Square images display the best. The maximum size is 1000 X 1000 Pixels X 3MB. Use Jpeg Images. 

We found that square images display best. You can use photoshop to batch process images. If you have a lot of images to process and dont have photoshop or the time, our team can assist you. Contact Us

You can see a example how you can display your products correctly here. 

Product Image size 600x600 Pixels

Manufacture's Banners

Manufacturers can create banners for their manufacture page. The banner will be displayed over your wording and products. Example

You need two images for each image. One displays on a desktop and the other smaller image is displayed if the browser is a mobile phone. If you need assistance with these banners, we will help you. We are the ones that setup and upload the manufactures banners with the images that you supply.

Use Jpeg Images

Image sizes: 

Manufacturer Banner


Let us know if you need assistance. 

Parallel Management